My weekly newsletter gives you actionable tips, tricks, and advice on improving your video content, social media marketing, your business and much more!
Some answers to your questions!
Here I have tried to answer the most common questions asked by most businesses, clients or people from my duration of business. If there is anything not listed here or if you need a specific question answered, please Contact me and I’d be more than happy to answer any/all questions you have.
As long as the question isn’t “how long is a piece of string”!
You can get more information on any of my services by getting in touch with me anytime.
You can make payments in two ways:
1- BAC’S
Making a direct bank transfer to my business account that I will provide once our business and contractual agreements have been confirmed.
2- PayPal
By Making a PayPal transfer to my PayPal business account that I will provide once our business together is confirmed.
All invoices/payments come with proof of purchase/transfer for peace of mind. I only use secure methods of business banking via Natwest and do not store any/all card details anywhere on my website nor business/personal computer.
*Please note, I do not start any workloads until contracts and payment have been confirmed. I do not accept cash*
You are bound by my copyright and services agreement contract that you will sign before we start our business together.
My contract and services agreement is merely a formality to keep my brand/business/reputation aligned, and also for everything to be clear and concise.
You can find out more information below:
Yes of course, I can help you, or your business get off the ground, completely from scratch.
From helping you design your branding, to setting up your social media or website and creating you digital or visual content, I can offer a wide array of business services.
Check out my services page for more information on how I can help you or your business on the path to success!
You will be your own most important asset, so an objective appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses is essential.
To determine if you have what it takes, you need to answer some questions about yourself:
If you need help starting your own business, I am an expert and very passionate about helping others start-up their business or brand. I’m able to help you get started all the way through to helping you manage business requirements. Get in touch to find out more.
Your business growth will be influenced by how well you plan and execute an advertising program.
It is one of the main creators of your business’s image, it must be well planned, targeted and creative to stand out from the crowd, well budgeted to maximum reach and always! ALWAYS have an end goal. Doesn’t matter what that goal is, but it must have a end goal to measure success and conversion. Or, your just essentially getting a bag of money and walking down the street throwing it at people. Funny as that sounds, I see people doing this, pressing that ‘BOOST’ button on Facebook and much more all the time. It pains me, as yes! There are genuine people out there like me who don’t want to see you waste money and actually gain from it.
People like me, who are conversion-based marketeers with years of knowledge and proof of converting tons of profit, ROI or brand awareness for their clients.
I can assist you in devising an effective advertising/ promotional or marketing strategy that actually makes a difference that you will notice. Not just taking your money, but taking your money and getting you RESULTS!
Contact me today for more information on how I can help you advertise.
Of course it can!
I’ve found over my many years of creating content and working with Google directly, Google’s search engine (even beta testing Search marketing software for CarGuru’s), that good content often can even rank over top SEO keywords.
In fact, my mother has even written a book all about internet marketing and search engine optimisation, which you can learn a TON of knowledge from. Now I might be slightly biased here (wonder why?!) but, read through the reviews and you’ll see it’s not just advised from me.
Often, with web and internet technologies, its about the small (maybe classed as boring and admin-based) tasks that actually help you rank better too. Often, good SEO isn’t ‘rocket science’, but just needs to be done, and done in specific ways with reasonings behind them.
I can help you work on which way, what strategy, where and why content needs to be SEO friendly to get you found online. I can also help you build rich content and SEO filled website solutions.
Yes. In fact, after this major pandemic across the world nearly 70/80% of new small businesses are operated out of the owner’s home.
You can find pertinent information on how to manage a home-based business at your local councils and also on the UK’s government website.
And, then agencies like mine who specialise in helping or starting up small and local businesses, can help you get set up in the best way possible.
My business solves a wide-array of problems, from Business, Creative, Digital, Visual and Website related there are many ways I can help you, or your business succeed!
Why not contact me today to see how I can help?
Marketing is something often over looked as something not needed or ‘easy to do’, however,I can assure you after 10 years within marketing and working in nearly every industry from small local businesses to top global brands, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
I think a lot of people do something I like to call ‘hope marketing’ which is where they hope on a lot of elements, and, ultimately hold onto the hope in them having some success without the hard work or a professional to help them. Even the right knowledge to create solutions to drive results, and I mean real tangible ones too with RAW DATA that shows this.
Marketing is your most important operational concern.
There are four basic aspects of marketing, often called the four P’s:
As you can see, marketing encompasses much more than just advertising or selling.
For example, a major part of marketing involves researching your customers:
Your understanding and application of the answers to such questions play a major role in the success or failure of your business.
If you need help (it’s ok to ask for help you know we all fail at admitting this) then with my years of knowledge in the digital and video marketing industry, I can help you on the path to success.
Contact me today for a free consultation on how!
A business plan is where you plan elements of business in various ways, from starting up a business and planning how to…to planning big marketing or advertising campaigns its a 100% yes you need one from me.
Now, this maybe a crude example but imagine NOT planning a weekend away with the kids for example, then just rocking up to some random place you’ve chosen, not knowing where, what, or how you’re going to enjoy yourself and gain fun from it. This is basically the same thing, just twisted for the business world. You won’t get results nor know if you’ve succeeded (and most importantly why) if you don’t have a business plan to drive results. It’s really that simple!
Why not check out my strategic Marketing and see how I can help you with business plans, business strategy and marketing.
It’s always a tricky one, but usually this answer is defined by pure taste and logic!
Usually, the best business for you is the one in which you are most skilled and interested in. For example, it you are trained as a mechanic, you may want to consider a mechanical business – as you’re not exactly going to start-up an animal business being a mechanic.
As you review your options, it is advisable to consult local experts and business persons about opportunities in your area. Matching your background with the local market characteristics will increase your chance of success.
If you need help with your business model and/or setting up your business, please get in touch to see how I can help you.
The principles of determining market share and market potential are the same for all geographic areas.
First, determine a customer profile (who) and the geographic size of the market (how many).
This is the general market potential.
Knowing the number and strength of your competitors (and then estimating the share of business you will take from them) will give you the market potential specific to your enterprise.
If you need help with this, that’s what I’m here for and have a heavily focus on helping to find the market potential for my clients.
As this is how you value your ROI!
Of course, as a wise man once said to me ‘Team Work Makes The Dream Work’ and it will take us both working together to get any/all workloads completed.
Think of me like your consultant, I advise, help, support and even do most of the work for you. I just need input, your vision, creative and your necessary goals to success to achieve that for you.
Why not work with me and we’ll team up on a project today?
This is tricky one as a lot of businesses are all different, have different legal needs. However, there are some very standard formats of legalisation you’ll need in nearly every business that I’ve learn’t over the 8+ Years within business.
It’s a always tricky one knowing which networks will or won’t work. I would say its usually always easier to only carefully select 1-3 networks and to pick ones that will work for you, for specific reasons.
For example, if you want to showcase lots of products through video or photography, Facebook & Instagram would be one of the best networks to utilise from.
I’ve had some of the best results of my business career from social media, so if you need help on which network, why and which work social strategy is best for you, get in touch and I’d be happy to help!
This is one of favourite questions, as there is no right or wrong answer, however, ultimately how digital has evolved over the past years print has taken a steep plummet.
Print can still be used for numerous reasons:
The many other areas of print and print magazine ‘impression-based’ advertising doesn’t tend to give you the best form of ROI.
In fact, I’ve usually been the decision maker with hundreds of people calling me up per month trying to sell me ‘impression’ based marketing or advertising, and I have every single time challenged them and won with my Digital and Visual campaigns!
Simply because I actually care about getting you and your business results. Sounds cheesy I know, but I focus on conversions. Not just ‘hey, give me some money and I’ll spend it’ …
I go ‘hey, give me some money and I’ll help you effectively spend it in the best way to actually gain ROI or to reach your end-goal.
So, you may be asking ‘whats the difference’ …and, well, it’s a big one.
Impressions charge you per impression, like a foot note, or per person, meaning in laymen’s terms…if 1K people view your advert, you will be charged for it.
Now, my logic is, why the hell do that when that isn’t gaining you traction and actual conversion back into your business! Right?
Why just spend money for fun?
That’s not dissimilar to getting a wedding dress, and walking around town to show everyone it, they touch it (you get charged for that touch) and then no one actually purchases it.
I see this time and time again, and it really frustrates me because so many of these ‘magazine’ Yellow pages type of companies (who have merged into the digital space) just sell these ‘hope marketing’ tactics. They then show and say to you ‘look, wow, 100k people saw your ad’ … and hey, that’s great. However! How many of those 100K people actually converted through a sales or marketing funnel? How many flowed into the business and made you money back? Watch their face explode with uncertainy because in all fairness they don’t do marketing, they focus on just ‘splashing the cash’ to make you seen.
I can say from being an open-minded person and trialing a lot of these services in companies through to big global brands like Volkswagen, Renault etc. Where I was their Marketing manager (mainly to prove my theory of practise/knowledge). That not one (out of 10) have actually converted a sale or lead into business. I know, shocking right?!
So. If you’d like to stop wasting money and gain back from spending money into print, let me help you effectively choose why, who, how, when and where is best to actually get results by getting in touch with me today!
It may seem silly to ask yourself, “What business am I really in?”
However, this is often funnily enough, a very overlooked area!
Many business owners have gone broke because they never answered that question.
One watch store owner realised that most of his time was spent repairing watches while most of his money was spent selling them.
He finally decided he was in the repair business and discontinued the sales operations. His profits improved dramatically. Clearly defining your business or your purpose will give a true sense of direction as your venture develops.
This question is very much like photography, its speculative.
There are some basic needs for success in small businesses, in my personal opinion.
Few people start a business with all of these bases covered.
The most important one for me, is to never give up!
When I left university in 2012 I didn’t for one minute think I would work with some of the biggest names, brands, businesses and millionaires I have worked with…but! I knew one thing.
I would succeed. I would not stop until I did and found myself, my niche and what ways I could become someone in my industry. This took years, often 12 hour days, late nights into the next mornings editing video footage for deadlines, spendings thousands of pounds on equipment and advertising, being an ‘octopus’ and judging many aspects of the business, all by myself until I had the funds and knowledge to outsource or hire people..
Plus, much more!
Having a business isn’t for the faint hearted, its something you live and breath everyday and every night and takes a serious amount of dedication.
If you need help with your business or just finding the roots to how you can find yourself, or a business from your passion. Good News! I’ve actually helped a ton of people do this and they are now mostly all living their dream by doing what they love the most!
If you want to follow your dreams, have the drive and the passion get in touch with me today to see how I can help you!
If there is anything not listed here or if you need a specific questions answered, please Contact me and I’d be more than happy to answer any/all questions you have.
Here’s a section that has some key learning and free information about the services I offer. Giving you a much better understanding before you deep dive into purchasing anything with me.
I hear people say “nothing in life is free“ – Well, I’m breaking the trend! I believe in my clients or customers knowing more, and learning more. What use is ‘information’ if it’s just told to you all the time, and not also learnt? So yes, no cons.
This is FREE INFO #yourwelcome
My Aim for the podcast and weekly newsletter is to provide free value from myself and partner agencies who have BIG credibility/reputation in the marketing world. It’s FREE and every week you’ll get a helpful newsletter, plus, every month you’ll get to watch me and Cheeky Monkey Marketing Agency team up! Bringing you some of the top trends, things to know in the marketing world and of course entertainment!
Here is an explainer video about why having a website is essential to everyone and every online business with my 7 step proven process to web success!
Here is an explainer video about why having a responsive website is essential to an online website today.
Here is an explainer video about why having a website SEO is essential to everyone (and every online business) to get found online.
KW Creative Website Solutions are rated Top 3 For Web Design and Safety By SafeBuy In Berkshire and Hampshire! Get in touch for website solutions below…
Here is an explainer video about my fully comprehensive business start-up service I offer to MASS BOOST local businesses online with their business start-up.
I have a range of business start-up solutions for businesses and personal brands.
You can learn more about what I do and business start up’s by Getting in touch below.
Here is an explainer video about how social media marketing works and why its important you use this free marketing tactic to your businesses advantage.
I have a range of business social media marketing solutions for businesses and personal brands.
You can learn more about what I do and how I can help you by Getting in touch below…
Video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumers and customers, and reach your audience with the most powerful marketing medium on the planet. VIDEO!
I have a range of business social media marketing solutions for businesses and personal brands.
You can learn more about what I do and how I can help you by Getting in touch below…
Online marketing is the practice of leveraging web-based channels to spread a message about a company’s brand, products, or services to its potential customers. … Online marketing differs from traditional marketing, which has historically included mediums like print, billboard, television and radio advertisements.
I have a range of business online marketing solutions for businesses and personal brands.
You can learn more about what I do and how I can help you by Getting in touch below…
My weekly newsletter gives you actionable tips, tricks, and advice on improving your video content, social media marketing, your business and much more!
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