My weekly newsletter gives you actionable tips, tricks, and advice on improving your video content, social media marketing, your business and much more!
Affordable New Business Start-Up Solutions
So, why start up a business your thinking?
Well, there could be many reasons without boring you into all of them.
Let’s talk below about the pros of having your own business.
“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs”
Stop working for ‘the man’ and spending your days unhappy. Be your own boss, follow your own beliefs and morals about business. I can help you with this step, become your own boss and eventually manage a strong team of your own.
Working with you, I will ensure you follow what is truly in your heart, what your passion is. I’ll help make this a business model that works for you, and most importantly, your customers. Following your dream is not only something valued in life, but makes you an overall happier person, this shows and will make you a better business owner.
I help you build, then control your own destiny with a structuralized business model that works. Meaning, you are able to control what you do, how you do it to run your dream business.
Having your own business means you can find the perfect work/life balance you need in your life. It also means if you want to take a week off, your business won’t be running – so, remember that it’s not all play and no work.
It’s important to define success and failures. However, failure in business doesn’t always have to be seen as a negative, if you make solutions around it you will reap the rewards. I help you take something on that gives you personal and achievable rewarding benefits.
Gone are the days of having 20 teams to pass down information or not truly connecting with your clients. Running your own business is personal. That means more people connect with you and prefer to work with someone who isn’t a big corporate faceless identity.
Already know your business or requirements and want to jump right in? Get in touch today.
Do you need creative photography or video for your social media, website or marketing campains?
Dont worry, we’ve got you covered! We add creative content into our business start up packages with you as standard. As, what good is it to have a lovely new business without content behind it?
We even have monthly retainers available for when your business is setup and you want to just manage the business, whilst we create for you on a monthly basis.
My business start up solutions are for entrepreneurs who want to learn the basics steps of starting a new business and get up off the ground with all the basics you’ll need to succeed!
Tasks like naming the business and creating a logo are obvious, but what about the less-heralded, equally important steps?
Whether it’s determining your business structure or crafting a detailed marketing strategy, the workload can quickly pile up.
Rather than spinning your wheels and guessing at where to start, I have a 10-step checklist to transform your business from a lightbulb above your head to a real entity.
You want to make sure you prepare thoroughly before starting a business, but realise that things will almost certainly go always go perfect.
To run a successful business, you must adapt to changing situations.
Conducting in-depth market research on your field and the demographics of your potential clientele is an important part of crafting a business plan.
This involves running surveys, holding focus groups, and researching SEO and public data.
Before you start selling your product or service, you need to build up your brand and get a following of people who are ready to jump when you open your doors for business.
You have a cool product or service you wish to bring to market but are a small local business.
To run a successful business, you must work with passionate people who know their stuff.
This often comes with at a price, I know! However, being different and passionate about helping people or local businesses find (or start-up) their dreams. I ask you what your budget is, then tell you what I can do for you within that budget.
None of that jargon or you need this, give me 1,000000 pounds to do it like most typical agencies. I make solutions you can afford because it means a lot to me watching you grow and working with passionate like-minded people – who simply just want to build their empire and wake up every day happy about what they do.
SOLOMO stands for social, local and mobile. A fully comprehensive marketing solution for local businesses.
A basic and affordable, but highly effective strategy for local businesses.
The objective of SOLOMO is to reach potential customers through key local search results, making customers land on a mobile-first website that works for the user. Then using local SEO and social media your search engine results build, making your businesses traffic boost to the top of Google.
Would you like me to help you with your business or a local business start-up?
I don’t just say things for fun, I want you to gain new business and be successful! It’s truly something that is a passion of mine. With over 9+ years in the business world, boy, have I learnt some good tricks of the trade.
I’ve helped a lot of local businesses maximise their investments, better their marketing, their advertising, helping them digitalise or strategise. Even, helping them get started from the ground up with my 10 steps to a successful business start-up.
I found working with so many variants of businesses, that a lot of BEST businesses are just thrown together loosely without a business strategy and a marketing end-goal.
I just want to help you achieve those better results and allow you to start up a successful business. So, you can follow your passion or dream job of working for yourself.
Sharon came to me from another local business I helped achieve mass new business results from as a recommendation.
She was looking to start up her own accountancy business and needed a variety of elements from me to get her started.
I helped her design a brand, a brand logo, created her social media and all her artwork, even documentation. I then worked on her website and built her a solution to fit her budget requirements, and a website that worked to her advantage with clever solutions and processes.
On her website, I then added all the photography or visual elements created to really give the website a personal and ‘local business’ feel.
To help launch the business I filmed a promotional showreel video to show everyone who she was, plus, what her business is about. I followed this up with video testimonials from previous clients she’d worked with, as referral marketing pieces to market and place onto her website to help show new business that Sharon really knows her stuff.
Having numerous years in working with global companies on their branding, I help you setup the best possible branding, brand logos, video intros and any branded graphics you’ll need. Even the most simple of things, such as a branded letterhead or Word document.
I build or create you all the top areas you’ll need in your business, from branding to video production. Anything you’ll need to get off the ground with a BANG!
I only build and charge you for what you actually need too, as I do not believe in just applying services to gain more bucks’ from you.
Helping launch massive campaigns such as the Ring Video Doorbell 2 into every Currys/PC World store in the UK. To a brand new military tactical plate as thin as a jacket that saves lives, I know how to correctly place products into carefully selected areas that will have the most success.
If you need help launching a project, I can help you from start to end to achieve some fantastic results. My strategies will give you or your business the best end-goal for your project or product!
You need to get started by drafting up your ideas, checking your market place to see where you sit and ensuring you have the resources and/or funding to get started up.
These areas and more are all areas I can help you with.
You can get help or any of my services by getting in touch with me anytime you wish.
You will be your own most important asset, so an objective appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses is essential.
To determine if you have what it takes, you need to answer some questions about yourself:
If you need help starting your own business, I am an expert and very passionate about helping others start-up their business or brand. I’m able to help you get started all the way through to helping you manage business requirements. Get in touch to find out more.
Your business growth will be influenced by how well you plan and execute an advertising program.
It is one of the main creators of your business’s image, it must be well planned, targeted and creative to stand out from the crowd, well budgeted to maximum reach and always! ALWAYS have an end goal. Doesn’t matter what that goal is, but it must have a end goal to measure success and conversion. Or, your just essentially getting a bag of money and walking down the street throwing it at people. Funny as that sounds, I see people doing this, pressing that ‘BOOST’ button on Facebook and much more all the time. It pains me, as yes! There are genuine people out there like me who don’t want to see you waste money and actually gain from it.
People like me, who are conversion-based marketeers with years of knowledge and proof of converting tons of profit, ROI or brand awareness for their clients.
I can assist you in devising an effective advertising/ promotional or marketing strategy that actually makes a difference that you will notice. Not just taking your money, but taking your money and getting you RESULTS!
Contact me today for more information on how I can help you advertise.
Yes. In fact, after this major pandemic across the world nearly 70/80% percent of new small businesses are operated out of the owner’s home.
Local councils and from the UK’s government website can provide pertinent information on how to manage a home-based business.
And, then agencies like mine who specialise in helping or starting up small and local businesses can help you get setup in the best way possible.
You can launch a successful business without any startup funds.
Work on a business idea that builds on your skill set to offer something new and innovative to the market. While developing a new business, keep working in your current position (or “day job”) to reduce the financial risk.
Once you’ve developed your business idea and you’re ready to start on a business plan, you’ll need to get creative with funding. You can raise money through investments by pitching your idea to financial backers. You could also gather funding through crowdsourcing platforms like Kickstarter, or set aside a certain amount of money from your weekly earnings to put toward a new business. Finally, you can seek out loan options from banks and other financial institutions as a way to get your company up and running.
A business plan is where you plan elements of business in various ways, from starting up a business and planning how to…to planning big marketing or advertising campaigns its a 100% yes you need one from me.
Now, this maybe a crude example but imagine NOT planning a weekend away with the kids for example, then just rocking up to some random place you’ve chosen, not knowing where, what, or how you’re going to enjoy yourself and gain fun from it. This is basically the same thing, just twisted for the business world. You won’t get results nor know if you’ve succeeded (and most importantly why) if you don’t have a business plan to drive results. It’s really that simple!
Why not check out my strategic Marketing and see how I can help you with business plans, business strategy and marketing.
It’s always a tricky one, but usually this answer is defined by pure taste and logic!
Usually, the best business for you is the one in which you are most skilled and interested in. For example, it you are trained as a mechanic, you may want to consider a mechanical business – as you’re not exactly going to start-up an animal business being a mechanic.
As you review your options, it is advisable to consult local experts and business persons about opportunities in your area. Matching your background with the local market characteristics will increase your chance of success.
If you need help with your business model and/or setting up your business, please get in touch to see how I can help you.
The principles of determining market share and market potential are the same for all geographic areas.
First, determine a customer profile (who) and the geographic size of the market (how many).
This is the general market potential.
Knowing the number and strength of your competitors (and then estimating the share of business you will take from them) will give you the market potential specific to your enterprise.
If you need help with this, that’s what I’m here for and have a heavily focus on helping to find the market potential for my clients.
As this is how you value your ROI!
This is tricky one as a lot of businesses are all different, have different legal needs. However, there are some very standard formats of legalisation you’ll need in nearly every business that I’ve learn’t over the 8+ Years within business.
It may seem silly to ask yourself, “What business am I really in?”
However, this is often funnily enough, a very overlooked area!
Many business owners have gone broke because they never answered that question.
One watch store owner realised that most of his time was spent repairing watches while most of his money was spent selling them.
He finally decided he was in the repair business and discontinued the sales operations. His profits improved dramatically. Clearly defining your business or your purpose will give a true sense of direction as your venture develops.
This question is very much like photography, its speculative.
There are some basic needs for success in small business success in my personal opinion though.
Few people start a business with all of these bases covered.
The most important one for me, is to never give up!
When I left university in 2012 I didn’t for one minute think I would work with some of the biggest names, brands, businesses and millionaires I have worked with…but! I knew one thing.
I would succeed. I would not stop until I did and found myself, my niche and what ways I could become someone in my industry. This took years, often 12 hour days, late nights into the next mornings editing video footage for deadlines, spendings thousands of pounds on equipment and advertising, being an ‘octopus’ and judging many aspects of the business all by myself until I had the funds and knowledge to outsource or hire people..
Plus, much more!
Having a business isn’t for the faint hearted, its something you live and breath everyday and every night and takes a serious amount of dedication.
If you need help with your business or just finding the roots to how you can find yourself, or a business from your passion. Good News! I’ve actually helped a ton of people do this and they are now mostly all living their dream by doing what they love the most!
If you want to follow your dreams, have the drive and the passion get in touch with me today to see how I can help you!
The easiest business to start is one that requires little to no financial investment upfront, nor should it require extensive training to learn the business. One of the easiest types of new business to launch is a dropshipping company.
Dropshipping requires no inventory management, saving you the hassle of buying, storing and tracking stock. Instead, another company will fulfill your customer orders at your behest. This company will manage the inventory, package goods, and ship out your business orders. To get started, you can create an online store by selecting curated products from the catalog available through partners.
Each person’s ideal timeline for starting a new business will be different.
First and foremost, you should start a business when you have enough time to devote your attention to the launch. If you have a seasonal product or service, then you want to start your business a quarter before your predicted busy time of the year. For nonseasonal companies, spring and fall are popular times of years to launch.
Winter is the least popular launch season, because many new owners prefer to have their LLC or corporation approved for a new fiscal year.
Watch how I helped set up Glow Hot Tub Hire and produced this cool video showreel for their business start-up. This marketing promotional piece sat on the website I built for them around their branding.
My weekly newsletter gives you actionable tips, tricks, and advice on improving your video content, social media marketing, your business and much more!
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